How Technology Is Changing Financial Operations

Technology has changed financial operations through automation and digitization, improving accuracy, agility, and efficiency. Advanced technology, cloud computing, and contemporary software enable financial teams to make real-time choices. Automation and data analytics are becoming increasingly important in financial processes. This is…

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Why States Are Offering Workers at Private Companies Access to I.R.A.s

With the plans, workers are automatically enrolled and contribute through payroll deductions. The goal is to help more Americans save for retirement.Traditional pensions are increasingly rare. About half of employees at private companies don’t have access to a retirement plan. And…

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What a Trump Presidency Could Mean for Social Security Benefits

Readers are concerned that his campaign proposals would put Social Security’s finances on thinner ice, endangering their payments.Americans are polarized on many issues, but there’s at least one program that continually wins nearly everyone’s support: Social Security.It isn’t subject to the…

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