You are currently viewing Trump Plans to Pull the U.S. Out of the Paris Agreement on Climate

The White House on Monday said that President Trump would withdraw the United States from the Paris Agreement, the pact among almost all nations to fight climate change.

By withdrawing, the United States would join Iran, Libya and Yemen as the only four countries not party to the agreement, under which nations work together to keep global warming below levels that could lead to to environmental catastrophe.

The move, one of several energy-related announcements in the hours immediately following his inauguration, is yet another about-face in United States participation in global climate negotiations. During his first term Mr. Trump withdrew from the Paris accord, but then President Biden quickly rejoined in 2020 after winning the White House.

Scientists, activists and Democratic officials assailed the move as one that would deepen the climate crisis and backfire on American workers. Coupled with Mr. Trump’s other energy measures on Monday, withdrawal from the pact signals his

Keep reading this article on The New York Times Energy & Environment.

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