You are currently viewing Martha Stewart’s First Book Finds New Fans

After fierce online bidding wars for vintage copies of “Entertaining,” a homemaking classic from 1982, the publisher decides to put it back in stores.

Martha Stewart has published 100 books across her long and eventful career, but perhaps none is more beloved than her first, “Entertaining.” Published in 1982, and long out of print, it has attracted a number of new fans who have lately paid up to $450 for an original hardcover copy. Because of its seemingly undying appeal, it will soon be back in bookstores in all its 1980s glory.

Two recent documentaries about Ms. Stewart — “The Many Lives of Martha Stewart,” which aired on CNN, and “Martha,” on Netflix — introduced the 83-year-old entrepreneur and O.G. influencer to a generation too young to have witnessed her rise, but that now admires her entrepreneurial hustle and self-determination. Some of these new fans want their own copies of “Entertaining,” which

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