You are currently viewing Pub Stays in Britain: Food, Lodging and Hanging Out With Locals

To my right, two 70-something regulars at the Exhibition pub in York, England, peppered me with questions on American politics, taught me how to recognize a fresh pint of beer (it should leave a path of foam on the glass) and invited me next door for a curry at their favorite Indian restaurant.

To my left, a middle-aged couple visiting from Manchester recommended the pub’s burger and identified the gaggle of college-age men in vintage golf attire — replete with tams and argyle prints — as playing “pub golf,” a drinking contest that involves hitting 18 pubs.

This easy camaraderie was the byproduct of checking into a pub with accommodations. A pub stay offers the hotel-like convenience of on-site room and board with a bar-like following among the local community.

Pete Greenwood, the bartender at the Exhibition. “Easy camaraderie,” writes the author, “was the byproduct of checking into

Keep reading this article on The New York Times Business.

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