Regardless of the nature of your business or the type of building you occupy, proper fire safety measures are essential. You must learn about specific regulations in your region. And if your company’s sprinkler system has seen better days, you should replace it. Here are six signs it might be time to buy and install a new sprinkler system.

Featured image by Eakrin Rasadonyindee 1. You See Rust

When conducting a visual inspection, note any signs of wear and tear. Fire sprinkler leads are largely made of metal. Over time, they will corrode. There’s no preventing that. You must not overlook this issue if it occurs.

If the sprinkler head corrodes, rust can interfere with the equipment’s ability to spray water properly. The last thing you need is a sprinkler system malfunction due to rust.

One thing to know about rust, if you don’t know it already, is that it

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