Living near the coast offers stunning beauty and a unique lifestyle but poses specific challenges, particularly the risk of coastal flooding. Recognizing and preparing for this natural occurrence has become more critical as climate change influences weather patterns and sea levels. Additionally, learning methods to safeguard your home and property from the potentially catastrophic impacts of coastal flooding is essential.

Featured image by BrandonKleinPhoto Understand Coastal Flooding Risks

Coastal flooding occurs when seawater floods low-lying areas along the coast, usually due to severe weather like hurricanes, tropical storms, or high tides. Coastal floods can be exacerbated by storm surges, waves, and rising sea levels, making them challenging to predict and manage. Therefore, to prepare for coastal flooding, it is crucial to understand the different types of alerts issued by weather authorities:

Flood Advisory: Issued when minor flooding is expected Flood Watch: Indicates conditions are favorable for moderate to severe

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