Many important decisions your prospective customer or client make, are well on their way to being made within seconds.

Think about it.

Open an email and in seconds, you’ll decide if it’s important or an instant delete. Read the title of an article or newsletter and in seconds, you’ll decide to read it or scroll past it. Read the marketing messages of any company and in seconds, you’ll have a good idea if their product or service is suitable for you. Enter any store and in seconds, you’ll get a feel for whether the place is likely to be expensive, inexpensive, thriving, quiet, independent, national chain, aimed at a certain age-range and so on. Talk with a service provider and in seconds, you’ll start deciding if they’re professional or not. Return a faulty product to a store, and in seconds you’ll know how helpful or accommodating they’re likely to

Keep reading this article on Jim's Marketing Blog.

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