A company pays a salesperson $125,000 a year.

That salesperson has generated an average of $250,000 a year, for 3 years, in high-profit sales.

He did great.

No he didn’t!

He was terrible.

In fact, he was worse than a waste of money.

And here’s why.

They were losing their company a fortune!

You see, that salesperson left the company and was replaced by a new salesperson.

The new salesperson was also paid $125,000 a year.

And using the same source of leads, over the following 3 years they generated an average of $750,000 a year in high-profit sales.

In the space of 3 years, the first salesperson under-performed by $1,500,000.

Data and information

Too many business owners, and sales/marketing directors, who should know better, make decisions based on data, when what they need is information.

Information is what you get, when someone applies knowledge,

Keep reading this article on Jim's Marketing Blog.

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