Ever wondered why I never write about how or where to spend your marketing money?

Well, today I spill the beans. And it can save you, and make you, a fortune.

There are a lot of ways you can spend money on marketing. Advertising and promotion is available via thousands of providers. It’s so easy.

You pay them your money. They say they’ll get your message in front of X number of prospective clients or customers. Hopefully, a percentage of these will contact you. And a percentage of that percentage, could spend money with you.

So far so good, right?

It would be, if your competitors didn’t have the exact same options.

But they do.

Buying attention is overrated

Obviously, your competitors advertise to the same marketplace as you… otherwise they wouldn’t be your competitors.

So your ads are always competing against their ads.


Keep reading this article on Jim's Marketing Blog.

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