December 5, 2024 | Asset Listings

We’re thrilled to announce that NEIRO is now available for trading on Kraken!

Funding and trading

Trading for NEIRO will be live as of 15:00 UTC UTC today, December 5, 2024.

To add an asset to your Kraken account, navigate to Funding, select the asset you’re after, and hit ‘Deposit’. 

Make sure to deposit your tokens into networks supported by Kraken. Deposits made using other networks will be lost.

The new tokens are tradeable on Kraken and Kraken Pro with the following parameters:

AssetPairPrice decimal precisionMinimum order sizeMinimum depositNEIROUSD, EUR0.0000000125002500


Trading via Kraken App and Instant Buy will be available once the liquidity conditions are met (when a sufficient number of buyers and sellers have entered the market for their orders to be efficiently matched). NEIRO is not available in DE.

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