Telegram revealed prohibitions imposed on other blockchain integrations in an exclusive deal with The Open Network (TON) for the crypto apps and games. 

The Pavel Durov-led Telegram reignited the official alliance with TON as both companies revealed an exclusivity deal on January 22. The messaging platform mandates all the mini apps that have crypto integrations utilize TON. The platform will extend various benefits to the initiatives using the network.

Ton Foundation head Manual Stotz hailed the exclusive blockchain integration with Telegram. The executive profiled the integration as a strategic step forward that will ultimately strengthen and elevate TON’s status as one of the leading global blockchains.

Stotz observed that Telegram is among the leading messaging apps globally, with its network hosting over 950M active users. He added that the agreement represents an unparalleled opportunity for TON within the heart of blockchain innovation. 

Telegram was the initial creator of TON, then

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