From the Milken Review, Clifford Winston:

…Trump’s first term offers little reason for optimism, at least from my perspective as a political independent and a mildly right-of-center microeconomist. Indeed, there is little in his record of governance to suggest that his policies will promote competition to the benefit of consumers or that he will use the levers of government to accelerate technological progress.

The Big One
The most damaging market failure of our time is the delay in coming to grips with greenhouse gas emissions that are warming the planet. … his administration fought efforts to phase out coal-fired electricity generation and mocked the expansion of private-sector investment in wind energy, the lowest-cost alternative energy source in much of the country. Then, too, he withdrew from the Paris Agreement that obliges signatories to reduce GHG emissions, thereby giving aid and comfort to other countries that are happy to “free ride” on

Keep reading this article on Econbrowser Blog - James Hamilton & Menzie Chinn.

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