This is one generational trend I wasn’t expecting. 

In my reporting on the Global War on Cash, I have consistently cautioned that cash, as a payment method, has some big generational trends stacked against it. For example, in a 2017 piece for WOLF STREET, I wrote that “the banks, fin tech firms, credit card companies, central banks, national and regional governments, and UN agencies that want to pull the plug on physical currency… already have vital technological and generational trends firmly on their side, as a result of which cash’s days as a… payment method may well be numbered.”

But according to a new survey by LINK, which runs the country’s ATM network, younger Britons are more likely to tout the benefits of paying in cash than some older generations. This is all because of what The Telegraph calls “a social media budgeting fad for ‘cash stuffing’, which sees savers

Keep reading this article on Naked Capitalism (Yves Smith) - Blog.

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