It is titled ARPAS, FROs, and Fast Grants, Oh My!  The host is the excellent Tammy Winter, and the other guests are Patrick Hsu and Adam Marblestone, plus yours truly.

Here is the link, with transcript.  Excerpt:

Tyler Cowen: In virtually all institutions, we should be taking more chances on quite young people, giving them more authority, in general. My background is quite different from the rest of you at this meeting. I spent a big chunk of my career studying the financing of the creative arts, economics of the arts. That’s always my mental touchstone. When I hear about Focused Research Organizations that expire when the project is over, I think of Hollywood movies. We’ve been doing that for a long time.

You can almost always find parallels in the arts, which makes you much more optimistic about what you can do. Rapid patronage was a big thing during

Keep reading this article on Marginal Revolution.

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