Rey Hernández-Julián and Frank Limehouse writing in the Journal of Economics Teaching write that very few principles of economics textbooks deal with modern information and digital tech industries:

The main takeaways of our review are highlighted by two stand-alone textboxes found in Mankiw’s (2023) textbook. This textbook has been regarded as one of the most dominant players in the principles of economics textbook market for over 20 years. In the introductory chapter of the 10th Edition (2023), “Ten Principles of Economics” there is a stand-alone textbox with the Netflix logo with the following caption: “Many movie streaming services set the marginal cost of a movie equal to zero”. However, there is no further explanation of this statement in the chapter and no presentation of the concept of zero marginal cost pricing in the remainder of the entire textbook. In Chapter 2 (“Thinking Like an Economist”), there is an In the

Keep reading this article on Marginal Revolution.

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