By Menzie Chinn and Mark Copelovitch

A Harris administration is far less likely to disrupt the ongoing and unprecedented American economic recovery of the last three years with stark policy reversals. This is an expanded version of an op-ed published in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

For the 2024 presidential election, American voters face two starkly different paths for the economy.

The first one is a path toward further economic isolationism, deregulation, and tax cuts for high income households financed by massive government deficits. The other is a road that supports the middle class through tax policies, retains engagement in the international economy, and invests in the future with spending on infrastructure and new factories. This second choice builds upon the path that has led to rapid and widely shared growth over the last 3½ years.

Despite the economic turmoil and inflation caused by the global pandemic and the war in Ukraine, the

Keep reading this article on Econbrowser Blog - James Hamilton & Menzie Chinn.

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