When a purported data analyst says something strange, who you gonna call?


St. Louis Fed FRED economic database Thousands of time series on economic activity, in an easily downloadable form. Contains some key series from BEA, BLS, Census, IMF, OECD, etc. St. Louis Fed ALFRED database. Vintages of many series in FRED. CBO data Includes Federal budget data, national economic data, and projections IMF International Financial Statistics  international data at monthly, quarterly and annual frequencies. IMF World Economic Outlook databases data and forecasts at annual frequency, 1980 onward; includes forecasts as of WEO editions. World Bank World Development Indicators annual data, 1970 onward. OECD Main Economic Indicators BIS ECB DBnomics (a “European FRED”) Penn World Tables v.10. BEA Distribution national income accounts   Philadelphia Fed State Coincident Indexes TradingEconomics many series cross-country graphable, downloadable with subscription YCharts Macro and equity market data series, downloadable with subscription MacroTrends many series, incl. commodity futures over long spans World Government Bonds government

Keep reading this article on Econbrowser Blog - James Hamilton & Menzie Chinn.

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