Photo credit: diedoe

For those familiar with the Earned Income Credit (EIC), you hopefully are familiar with the preparer’s due diligence checklist. This is a checklist that the preparer uses to help determine if the taxpayer’s circumstances are in keeping with the conditions that are required to be met in order to be eligible for the credit. The checklist is formally known as Form 8867, and is available at

When it originally appeared, this checklist was been filled out by the preparer and kept in the preparer’s files. This fact has changed a bit over time – the IRS changed the requirements, such that now the due diligence checklist must be filed along with the return. This filing requirement is the only thing that has changed, the due diligence is the same as before.

Form 8867 is a multi-use checklist, as many of the due diligence requirements cross over

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