In April 2017, I made a commitment to be a stay-at-home parent for the first five years of my son’s life. When my daughter was born in December 2019, I made the same commitment for the sake of equality.

Research shows that the first five years are the most crucial for a child’s development. Supposedly, 90% of a child’s brain develops by age 5. Since I was unemployed anyway, I decided to transition into full-time parent mode.

Now that my daughter is finally starting school full-time in September five years later, I want to reflect on this experience—especially for those of you who are considering giving up your career to be a stay-at-home parent.

Your Probably Shouldn’t Give Up Your Career For Your Kids

Unless your spouse makes a substantial income or you’re already financially independent, giving up your career to raise your child may lead to more stress and

Keep reading this article on Financial Samurai.

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