Your ideal investing strategy will be unique to you: your life phase, goals and risk tolerance will all play a role in informing your “ideal” methodology.

But with so much conflicting advice everywhere you look, how are you supposed to know which strategies will work best for you? 

Here are some steps to nailing down your best investing strategy:

Finding Your Best Investing Strategy Tip #1: Figure Out Your Goals

Your goals are a great place to start. Big, broad dreams and more specific, immediate goals are both instrumental in figuring out the best way forward with your portfolio.

For example, if your 401(k) is sitting in cash or treasury bonds and you retire in 15 years, you might need to make some changes to hit your retirement goals. Or, if you plan to buy a house within the year and your down payment is sitting in the stock market,

Keep reading this article on Your Richest Life , Katie Brewer - Blog.

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