After reviewing my analysis on a conversation I had with a financial professional in 2013, I decided to take another close look at my finances. To my surprise, I uncovered a huge gap between my perceived risk tolerance and the reality of my portfolio.

Since leaving work in 2012, I’ve generally seen myself as a moderate-to-conservative investor. Without a steady paycheck, along with having a stay-at-home spouse and two young kids, I thought it prudent to be more conservative.

But after a thorough review of my largest tax-advantaged retirement account—my rollover IRA—I’ve come to realize I’ve been deluding myself for close to a decade. I am, in fact, an aggressive risk-taker, maybe even a risk addict!

I suspect your true investment risk profile is not what you think either. You’re either more conservative or more aggressive an investor than you realize.

A More Aggressive Investment Risk Profile

Keep reading this article on Financial Samurai.

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