Once you hit middle age, it can be a bit challenging to navigate the next moves in your finances and career. 

Should you take a chance on a new job, or stick with your current position? 

Do you know when you want to retire?

Are you saving enough for the retirement you want?

Wherever you’re at with your plans, watch out for these common midlife money myths along the way:

Midlife Money Myths #1: It’s too difficult to change careers

Changing careers at any age can be intimidating, but the older you get, the more impossible it can feel. If you’re in your 40s or 50s, you might wonder if it’s worth changing careers, or if it would be too difficult to find a new position.

Here’s the good news: the nature of work is changing. Gone are the days of people sticking to one job, and one company, for

Keep reading this article on Your Richest Life , Katie Brewer - Blog.

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