[EDITOR’S NOTE: Deadline alert! Tomorrow, December 12, is the last day you can register for the Physician Wellness and Financial Literacy Conference (WCICON25) and be guaranteed to receive our famed swag bag (which includes books, a limited edition WCI shirt, and so much more). Aside from getting to hear engaging keynote speakers like SC Gutierrez, Dr. Jordan Grumet, and Dr. Jim Dahle, we created WCICON so you can enjoy a relaxing, resort-like environment while learning how to create lasting wealth. Make sure to register for WCICON25 today to get that sweet, sweet swag bag and take the next step toward financial freedom!]

By Dr. Rikki Racela, WCI Columnist

My wife could not have been more excited. She had just accepted a no call/no weekends/no holidays anesthesia position. The one downside was the occasional commute into the big city since the surgery centers that the anesthesia group serviced would need a

Keep reading this article on The White Coat Investor.

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