[EDITOR’S NOTE: Are you a medical or dental student who’s looking for a jumpstart on your financial education? Then, drop everything right now and make plans to attend the free WCI student webinar with WCI Founder Dr. Jim Dahle and StudentLoanAdvice.com co-founder Andrew Paulson on February 12. Medical and dental students will learn what they need to know about money, why your patients NEED you to be financially literate, and how not to worry about student loans. This info could literally be worth millions of dollars to you! Register today and begin learning how to navigate your successful financial journey.]


By Dr. Jim Dahle, WCI Founder

Upon returning home from Grand Cayman, where I was speaking to anesthesiologists (and diving), I received a message from Josh, our content director, about the new Trump administration tariffs:

“I’m seeing some talk on Reddit and the FB group about what

Keep reading this article on The White Coat Investor.

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